Gelezen en aan te raden !

Kindergarten is all about learning which parts of you are welcome at school and which are not.
(p. 26)

Language does this to our memories— simplifies, solidifies, codifies, mummifies. An oft -told story is like a photograph in a family album; eventually, it replaces the moment it was meant to capture.
(p. 48)

Language is such an imprecise vehicle I sometimes wonder why we bother with it.
(p. 85).

Emotie en rationaliteit
Emotion and instinct were the basis of all our decisions, our actions, everything we valued, the way we saw the world . Reason and rationality were a thin coat of paint on a ragged surface.
(p. 92)

Years before, I’d figured out that school went best when I didn’t draw attention to myself, but knowing this and accomplishing it were two different things.
(p. 115)

Opgroeien / gezin
“You know how everything seems so normal when you’re growing up,” she asked plaintively, “and then comes this moment when you realize your whole family is nuts?”
(p. 130)

So many problems, however infinitely varied they first appear, turn out to be matters of money.
(p. 228). 

Toch wel een aanrader, dit boek. De eerste 75 bladzijden moest ik wat ‘volhouden’, maar eenmaal je in het boek thuis bent, leest het als een vaart.

Rosemary groeit op als ‘zus’ van een evenoude chimpansee. Haar vader is professor psychologie en in hun huis wonen verschillende doctoraatsstudenten die het gedrag van de aap versus het even oude kind, observeren. Rosemary ziet Fern als haar ‘zus’, en dat zal haar de rest van haar leven tekenen.

Fowler, Karen Joy (2014-03-06). We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves. Profile Books. Kindle Edition. 

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